Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adjusting to a New Life!

It seems like today was the day that Sophia decided she belonged here. It probably started with finally figuring out that 3 am is really not daytime. She slept through the entire night for a total of 12 hours! (I slept for 11 hours)! The next milestone she accomplished today was sitting by her brother in a cart while shopping at Cub. She thought the whole excursion was fascinating. She also decided that the car seat really isn't that horrible of a place to be and promptly fell asleep on the way home. But the most exciting news of all is that Sophia found the joy of walking again!!! Ever since we got her last Thursday, she has screamed if we tried to let her feet touch the ground, but today, she finally felt comfortable enough to venture off of my lap and walk around her room. Then she was walking down the hallway; then she was pulling books and puzzles off the shelf; then she was climbing on the coffee table! She has been a happy toddler today which makes my heart so full of joy! The saddest thing we've had to go through during this process was the sorrowful look she had on her face most of the time for the last 5 days. Today she's a different girl and it's so encouraging! I know there is still a long process ahead of understanding our language and establishing more predictable patterns, but we know we're heading in the right direction. Here are some more pictures from the last couple of days.

I wanted to include a picture of Jacob with his favorite new vacuum. It's a USB powered mini vac!

1 comment:

Join me in China! said...

What delightful pictures of Sophia, and joyful news of her showing her beautiful personality. I can't wait to meet her in person!
